Entrust us with the sale
of your property

sell your property : the estimation

Trust our real estate agents in the area to estimate and sell your properties in the best conditions.

Within the framework of your real estate project, your agency Globe Home Immo proposes to you to estimate your good as soon as possible and in all confidentiality.

With Globe Home Immo you will benefit from a local expertise on the real estate market in resort guaranteeing you an access to qualified customers.

Request for Estimate

4 + 3 =


Your property will be visible in multiple channels, to get in touch with qualified buyers.



Your details will remain known only to us.


Selling a prestige property can be a long process. But with a network of experts reduce the time needed to sell.

Targeted communication


Our communication strategy allows us to distribute the goods through the different digital channels to propose a coherent customer journey. The luxury real estate market is unique in that it requires high standards and special skills. You will find within our agency, professionals specialized in Prestige properties.

In this context, Globe Home Immo offers you a tailor-made service with a communication plan adapted to the sale or rental of your property:

  • Detailed and multimedia web page
  • Distribution on national and international specialized real estate portals


Selling your property

Each property is unique. This is why we accompany you in your project: from the estimation to the signature at the notary’s office. Surrounded by professionals, we assure you a complete and precise follow-up at each step.



Knowing the market where your property is located is essential. This is why it is necessary to make a study of the competitive environment and to establish an accurate estimate of your property.